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Katerina Gonzalez Seligmann CV


Ph.D. Brown University, Comparative Literature, May 2015 

   Dissertation: “Constructing the Caribbean: Regional Discourse and Literary Practice on the Edge of      

    World War II”

Director: Esther Whitfield

Readers: Frances Negrón-Muntaner, Paget Henry, Thangam Ravindranathan, and Michelle Clayton 

M.A. Brown University, Comparative Literature, May 2012

   Comparative Thesis: “Cabrera’s Césaire: Notes on an Afro-Caribbean Crossing”

B.A. Columbia University, Comparative Literature and Society, February 2005


Fluent in English, Spanish, and French; advanced fluency in Portuguese; limited knowledge of Haitian Creole.


Faculty Advancement Fund Grant, Emerson College, 2021, 2018
Digital Caribbean Studies NEH Institute Award, University of Florida, 2019
Career Enhancement Fellowship, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, 2018
Helaine and Stanley Miller Award for Outstanding Teaching, Emerson College, 2017
Presidential Fund for Curricular Innovation: Internationalization Studio Grant, Emerson College, 2016
Joukowsky Summer Research Grant, Brown University Graduate School, 2014
Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, 2013    
Edgar Lewis Marston Graduate Fellowship, Brown University, 2013    
Dissertation Fellow, Brown University Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America, 2012
SSRC-Mellon Mays Graduate Studies Enhancement Grant, 2012    
Pembroke Seminar Graduate Fellow, Brown University Pembroke Center for Research on Women, 2010
Goizueta Foundation Research Fellowship, Cuban Heritage Collection, University of Miami, 2010    
SSRC-Mellon Mays Graduate Studies Enhancement Grant, 2009    
Tinker Foundation Summer Research Grant, 2009                
R. Bruce Lindsay Graduate Fellowship, Brown University, 2008            
Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (FLAS), 2008
Third Millennium Human Rights Fellowship, 2005            
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, Columbia University, 2004        
Telluride Association Summer Program Scholarship, 2000


Writing the Caribbean in Magazine Time (Rutgers University Press, 2021) examines literary magazines generated during the 1940s that catapulted Caribbean literature into greater international circulation and contributed significantly to social, political, and aesthetic frameworks for decolonization, including Pan-Caribbean discourse. This book demonstrates the material, political, and aesthetic dimensions of Pan-Caribbean literary discourse in magazine texts by Suzanne and Aimé Césaire, Nicolás Guillén, José Lezama Lima, Alejo Carpentier, George Lamming, Derek Walcott, and their contemporaries. This book ultimately demonstrates that Caribbean literary magazines have waged a guerrilla pursuit for the terms of Caribbean representation against the imperial Goliath of the global book industry.


“Fidelité déviante: Aimé Césaire traduit par Lydia Cabrera,” translslated to French by Pauline Levy Valensi, 
   Revue italienne d’études françaises no. 12 (Nov. 2022).

“Colombes et Menfenil in Text and Image: Taking Flight from Conquest in Aimé Césaire and Wifredo 
Lam’s Collaborative Aesthetics,” Continents manuscrits no. 18 (Apr. 2022).

“The Void, the Distance, Elsewhere: Literary Infrastructure and Empire in the Caribbean,” Small Axe 
no. 62 (Jul. 2020), pp. 1-16.

“Un-nationalisms of the Federated Archipelago,” Small Axe no. 61 (Mar. 2020), pp. 69-77.
“Con-federating the Archipelago: the Confederación Antillana and the West Indies Federation,” with Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Small Axe no. 61 (Mar. 2020), pp. 37-43.

“Caliban, Why? The 1968 Cultural Congress of Havana, C. L. R. James, and the Role of the Caribbean     Intellectual,” The Global South Special Issue on Cuba and the Global South, vol. 13, no. 1 
(Spring 2019 [2020]) pp. 59-80.

“Cabrera’s Césaire: The Making of a Trans-Caribbean Zone,” MLN vol. 134, no. 5 (Dec. 2019), pp. 

“Poetic Productions of Cultural Combat in Tropiques,” South Atlantic Quarterly vol. 115, no. 3 (2016) 
   Special Issue on Aimé Césaire, pp. 495-512.

“Governing Readability, or How to Read Césaire’s Cabrera,” Inti: Revista de literatura hispánica no. 
   75-76 (2012), pp. 210-220. Reprinted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, vol. 380 (Lydia 
Cabrera section, ed. Martin Tsang), Gale 2020, pp. 84-90.    

“Lydia Cabrera entre sus marcos, o los Cuentos negros viajeros,” Revista Extramuros 32 (2011), pp. 15-18.

“Preface: The Poet’s Prose; Race in Cuba: Three Articles by Nicolás Guillén,” C. L. R. James Journal 
vol. 16, no. 1 (2010), pp. 189-190.
“Singing out of Tune: Revolutionary Dissonance in the Prelude to the Padilla Affair,” Pterodáctilo no. 6 (2009).     Web. Available:

“Death-Life Poetics: Political Resurrections in Césaire and Pietri,” Columbia Journal of Literary Criticism no. 3     (2005), pp. 22-30.


“Vulvosis horadensis,” prologue to Hay palabras vulva, book-length poetry collection by Lizabel Mónica, La 
Habana: Editorial Casa Vacía, forthcoming.

“From Granma to Boston and Havana and Back: Cuban Literature Today,” New England Review vol. 42 no.     1 (Mar. 2021), pp. 37-38.

“Un cuento de Elaine Vilar Madruga es una colección de fotos” [A short story by Elaine Vilar Madruga is     a collection of photos], Lecturas Atentas: Una visita desde la ficción y la crítica a las narradoras cubanas     contemporáneas [Close Readings: Visiting Cuban women writers by way of fiction and criticism], ed.     Mabel Cuesta and Elzbieta Sklodowska, Almenara Press, 2019, pp. 347-354.


“Sounding the Americas: The Politics and Aesthetics of Racialised Acoustics,” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies vol. 29, no.3 (Dec. 2020), pp. 479-487. 

“Ghosts of Dominican Past, Ghosts of Dominican Present,” Small Axe no. 59 ( Jul. 2019), pp. 123-131.


"Aimé Césaire, Resolutely Black: Conversations with Françoise Vergès, trans. Mathew B. Smith," Simone de Beauvoir 
   Studies 32 (2021), pp. 1-8.


Co-editor with Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel of “Con-federating the Archipelago,” Special Section of Small Axe no. 61 (Mar. 2020).

Co-editor with Clement White of C. L. R. James Journal vol. 21, no. 1-2 (2015) Special Issue on Nicolás Guillén.


“How a Cuban Writer Defied Censors and Became a Latin American Literature Icon,” PBS SocCal Voces. 
November 8, 2021. Available:    defied-censors-and-became-a-latin-american-literature-icon


Sánchez, José Ramón, The Black Arrow, book-length poetry collection translated into English with Esther 
Whitfield, Lingkua, forthcoming 2023.

Fowler Calzada, Víctor, “Without Enchantment,” “One of the Lunatics,” and “The Eyes of the Pigs,”     poems translated into English, New England Review vol. 42, no. 1 (Mar. 2021), pp. 39-41. 

    "Without Enchantment" featured on "The Slowdown" Poetry Podcast with Ada Limón, February     25, 2022:

Rodríguez Iglesias, Legna, Spinning Mill, book-length poetry collection translated into English, Cardboard 
House Press (Mar. 2019).

Dove, Rita, "Perejil," poem translated into Spanish, La Noria: Revista literaria semestral no. 14 (Nov. 2018), p.    

Rodríguez Iglesias, Legna. “I Won’t Stop Til Feldafing,” short story translated into English, Make: Literary     Magazine (February 2018), pp. 42-43.

Sánchez, José Ramón, “Gitmo,” poetry selection translated with Esther Whitfield, Cuba Counterpoints, Oct. 10, 2016. Online. 

Fowler Calzada, Víctor, “From ‘Black Problem’ to White Privilege in Nicolás Guillén’s Thought,” essay     translated into English, C. L. R. James Journal Special Issue on Nicolás Guillén vol. 21, no. 1-2     (2015), pp. 53-68.

Cairo Ballester, Ana, “Nicolás Guillén and the Debates on Mulatto Culture,” essay translated into English,    C. L. R. James Journal Special Issue on Nicolás Guillén vol. 21, no. 1-2 (2015), pp. 69-90.

Negrón-Muntaner, Frances, “Jacobo’s Two Dreams: Nation and Cinema in the Films of Jacobo Morales,”     essay translated into English, Studies in Spanish & Latin American Cinema vol. 9, no. 2 (2012), pp.     137-154.

Fowler Calzada, Víctor, “Postscript: Three Texts by Nicolás Guillén,” essay translated into English, C. L.     R. James Journal vol. 16, no. 1 (2010), pp. 197-201.
Guillén, Nicolás. “Racism and Cubanness.” Chronicle translated into English. C. L. R. James Journal vol. 16,     no. 1 (2010), pp. 195-197.

---. “The White Conquest.” Chronicle translated into English. C. L. R.  James Journal vol. 16, no. 1 (2010),     pp. 191-193.

---.“The White Man: This is the Problem.” Chronicle translated into English. C. L. R.  James Journal vol. 16,     no. 1 (2010), pp. 193-195.

Negrón-Muntaner, Frances. “The ugly dyckling.” Short story translated into English. CENTRO: Journal of     the Center for Puerto Rican Studies vol. 19, no. 1 (2007), pp. 351-359.


“Quisiera ocasionarte Paris.” La Noria: Revista literaria semestral no. 4 (2012), p. 48.


“Papalote-Papillon.” Pterodáctilo no. 6 (2009). Web. Available:


Solidarity in Translation: Aimé Césaire and his Cuban Comrades in Art (book manuscript in progress)


"Lydia Cabrera and Afro-Caribbean Imaginaries," invited book chapter for Cambridge History of Cuban Literature, ed. Jacqueline Loss and Vicky Unruh (in production)


"Feeling Un-national in the Caribbean: Reading Colonial, Postcolonial, and Decolonial Narratives in Rita Indiana's La mucama de Omicunlé," co-authored chapter with Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel for Postcolonial and Decolonial Perspectives in Literature, ed. Praseeda Gopinath and Laura Brueck (under review)


Caribbean Journals Online: Digital Humanities Project with Alex Gil to create an online catalogue of culturally significant Caribbean magazines and newspapers (in progress)


“Polycentric Maps of Literary Worldmaking,” (An) archiving the Caribbean: Matters, Methods, Meanings Panel, Princeton University, October 31, 2022. “Writing the Caribbean in Magazine Time,” book presentations and discussions: University of Texas at Austin Online Class Visit, November 19, 2021 Brown University, October 12, 2021 Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD) Book Series Online, September 28, 2021 Caribbean Studies Network Seminar, Oxford University, Online, June 8, 2021 "Reading Community in Magazine Time," “Revolutionary Papers: Counter-Institutions, Politics and Culture in Periodicals of the Global South Workshop,” Centre for Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, April 24, 2020 (postponed to April 28, 2022 due to Covid-19) “Translating the Dawn: On Aimé Césaire’s First Cuban Translators, Lydia Cabrera and Virgilio Piñera,” “The Translation of Letters and Ideas in Cuba’s Republic Symposium,” University of Connecticut, April 21, 2020 (rescheduled to March 2, 2021, due to Covid-19) ‘Scholar Activist Rise,” Women of Color in the Academy Conference, Northeastern University, March 13, 2020 (rescheduled to November 6, 2020 due to Covid-19) Book Presentation for Iberoamericana-Vervuert Klaus D. Vervuert Book Prize: The great Will/El gran legado: Pre-textos y comienzos literarios en América Latina y el Caribe by Florencia Bonfiglio, Online November 16, 2020 “The Caribbean Literary Magazine as a Map,” SUNY-Albany Department of Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies, March 2019 “To Be or Not to Be Caribe: Magazine Combat in Cuba, 1944,” Harvard University Cuba Studies Seminar, February 2019 "Lydia Cabrera and Aimé Césaire,” presentation for Americas Society Exhibition: "Trembling Thinking: Lydia Cabrera and Edouard Glissant," New York, NY October 2018 Introduction and Q&A for “Conversation and Reading with Leonardo Padura,” Boston University, October 2017 Book Presentation for the contemporary Cuban poetry anthology, Distintas maneras de evitar un poeta: poesía cubana del siglo XXI, Ed. Lizabel Mónica, McNally’s Books, New York, NY, September 2012 “Caribbean Intellectual Voyages,” Cuban Heritage Collection, The University of Miami, August 2010


"How Far Can You Stretch? Caribbean Studies in the Academic Empire." "Working Conditions" Roundtable of the Caribbean Studies Forum, Modern Language Association Convention (January 2023) "Commitment vs. Alignment in Carpentier's Revision of El Reino de este mundo", Panel: "The Prologue to Carpentier's Marvelous Real Prologue" (also panel chair and organizer), Caribbean Studies Association Conference, remote (May 2022) “Opacity Before Glissant: Suzanne Césaire’s Critique of Antillean Visibility,” Panel: "Race, Citizenship, Identity: Aristic and Intellectual Approaches," Caribbean Studies Association Conference, remote (May 2021) “Caribbean Print Regionalisms in Spanish and English," Seminar: “Tides of Progress: Print Culture and Anglo-Hispanic Exchanges, 1880- 1940,” American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Chicago (Mar. 2020; cancelled due to Covid-19) “Decolonizing Desire: Virgilio Piñera’s Love Letter to Cuba, the Caribbean, and Aimé Césaire,” “The Queering of Cuban Cultural Spaces,” Official Panel of Cuba Studies Section, MLA Convention, Seattle (Jan. 2020) “Jacques Roumain’s ‘Poetry as a Weapon’ in Caribbean Literary Magazines,” “Afterlives of Caribbean Revolutions” Panel, Association for the Study of the African Diaspora (ASWAD) Conference, Williamsburg VA (Nov. 2019) “C.L.R. James in Cuba, 1968,” Panel on Foreign Intellectuals in Cuba, Caribbean Philosophical Association Conference, Brown University, (Jun. 2019) “Caribbean Intellectual Visibility, Caliban, and the 1968 Cultural Congress of Havana,” Panel on “Cuba and the Third World,” Latin American Studies Association Conference, Boston, (May 2019) “Caribbean Literary Magazines: From Print to Digital Forms,” with Lizabel Mónica, Caribbean Digital V Conference, St. Augustine, Trinidad (Dec. 2018) “Nationalisms and Transnationalism of the Federated Archipelago,” “Con-federating the Archipelago” Panel Series (co-organized with Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel), West Indian Literature Conference, University of Miami (Oct. 2018) “A Tale of Two Cubas: Gaceta del Caribe vs. Orígenes,” Latin American Studies Association Conference, New York, NY (May 2016) “The Literary Magazine as Incubator of Caribbean Fiction,” Special Session, “Fiction and the Media Ecology, 1900-2015,” Modern Language Association Conference, Austin, Texas (Jan 2016) “’Good Neighbor’ Translations: English Language Anthologies of Latin American Poetry in the 1940s,” Transnational Intellectual Exchange in Latin America (session organizer), Latin American Studies Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico (May 2015) “Constructing the Caribbean: The Cultural Politics of Regionalist Literary Discourse,” Ford Foundation Fellows Conference, University of California Irvine (Sept. 2014) “The Elsewhere of Caribbean Literary Production: On Lamming and Naipaul,” International Conference on Narrative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (March 2014) “Cuban Césaire,” Caribbean Studies Association Conference, Le Gosiér, Guadeloupe (May 2012) “Césaire’s Cabrera,” Reading Beyond the Nation: Modern Periodical Communities Seminar, American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Brown University (April 2012) “Césaire en Cuba,” Transatlantic Studies Conference, Brown University (April 2012) “Havana, the Melancholic City: On Antonio José Ponte’s Un arte de hacer ruinas,” Cityscapes in Fiction Conference, Brown University (April 2010) “Literatura y sociedad civil en Cuba: En diálogo con una joven escritora cubana” [Literature and Civil Society in Cuba: In Dialogue with a Young Cuban Writer], Transatlantic Studies Conference, Brown University (April 2010) “Lydia Cabrera en Tropiques,” Encuentro sobre Revistas Caribeñas [Conference on Caribbean Magazines], Casa de las Américas, Havana, Cuba (Nov. 2009) “The Consciousness of Underdevelopment and 1960’s Cuba: On Memorias del subdesarrollo,” Graduate Student Conference, Brown University Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (Oct. 2009) “Island Life Between Sex and Death: Reading Piñera, Reading Freud,” SSRC-Mellon-Mays Summer Conference, Oberlin College (June 2009) “Singing out of Tune: Dissonant Readings of the Prelude to the ‘Padilla Affair’ in Cuba,” 1968: A Global Perspective Conference, University of Texas at Austin (Oct. 2008)


Translations of Spinning Mill with author Legna Rodríguez Iglesias: Miami O Poetry Festival Online, Feb. 2021; Cardboard House Press Cartonera Collective Online, Dec. 2020; Miami Book Fair, Nov. 2019.


Interim Director El Instituto: Institute for Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies, University of Connecticut, Storrs, July 2022-present Associate Professor of Spanish and Caribbean Studies Joint-appointed in Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages and El Instituto: Institute for Latina/o, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Fall 2021-present Courses: SPAN 6402: Decolonial Theory and Creative Practice, Spring 2023 LLAS 3230/WGSS 3258: Latina Narrative, Fall 2021, Fall 2022 SPAN/LLAS 1009: Latino Literature, Culture, & Society, Spring 2022, Summer 2022 SPAN 6405: Decolonial Theory and Practice: Spring 2022 Affiliated Researcher Aimé Césaire Group, Francophone Manuscripts Team, ITEM (Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes) École normale supérieure, Paris, France, June 2020-Present Co-convener University and Society Seminar Workshop (with Frances Negrón-Muntaner and Chelsea Good Abbas), Columbia University, Fall 2021- Spring 2022 Associate Advisor for doctoral students Damián Deamici, Spanish PhD, University of Connecticut, Fall 2022-present Inileidys Hernández, Spanish PhD, University of Connecticut, Spring 2022-present Gloriemarie Peña, Spanish PhD, University of Connecticut, Spring 2022-present Xu Peng, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies PhD, University of Connecticut (April 2022-present) Oscar Mancinas, School of Transborder Studies, Arizona State University (March 2019-present) Massiel Torres Ulloa, Romance Languages and Literatures Department, Harvard University (May 2020-present) Laura Pérez-Muñoz, Romance Languages and Literatures Department, Harvard University (Nov 2021-present) Primary Advisor for master’s students Luis Ernesto Prieto, Spanish MA, University of Connecticut, Fall 2022-present Melissa Echevarría-Valentín, Latino and Latin American Studies MA, Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Sarah Ramírez, Latino and Latin American Studies MA, Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Associate Advisor for master’s students Ruth Edwards, Latino and Latin American Studies MA, Spring 2022-Spring 2023 Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature Writing, Literature & Publishing Department, Emerson College, Boston, MA Fall 2015-Spring 2020 Courses: LI 120: “Introduction to Literary Studies,” Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2017 LI 213: “Latin American Literature and Cinema,” Fall 2017, Fall 2016 LI 214: “U.S. Latinx Literature,” Fall 2020, Spring 2018, Spring 2017, Fall 2015 LI 304: “Contemporary Latinx Literature,” Spring 2016 LI 310: “Race, Gender, & Empire in Cuban Literature,” Spring 2021, Fall 2019, Summer 2017 in Cuba with Mneesha Gellman course IN370 Politics and Society in Cuba LI 324: “Latin American Short Fiction,” Fall 2017 LI 423: “Latin American Short Fiction,” Fall 2016, Fall 2015 LI 423: “Undoing Empire in Cuban Literature,” Spring 2016 LI 423: “1960s in Literature and Film,” Fall 2020 LI 424: “Imagining the Caribbean,” Fall 2019, Spring 2018, Spring 2017 LI 498: “Directed Study: Cuban Special Period Fiction,” Spring 2020 LI 498: “Directed Study: Queer Latin American & U.S. Latinx Literature,” Spring 2017 LI 615: “The Politics of Writing & Publishing: South Africa & Caribbean” co-taught with John Trimbur, Spring 2020, Spring 2017 LI 625: “Coloniality and Decolonization in Cuban Literature,” Spring 2021, Spring 2016 LI 697: “Directed Study: Translating Aimé Césaire,” Spring 2018 LI 697: “Directed Study: African Diaspora Folklore Literature,” Fall 2016 Instructor Brown University, Brown-in-Cuba Study Abroad Program Fall 2011 “Decolonization in Cuban Literature” Brown University Department of Hispanic Studies, Spring 2011 “Advanced Spanish II” Graduate Student Mentor Brown University Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program, 2010-2013


Research Advisory Council Member, 2021-2023 El Instituto Graduate Curriculum Committee Member, 2021-2022 Future of Literatures Cultures & Languages Department, Committee Leader, Spring 2022-Fall 2022 Mentor for IIREP Fellowship Mentoring Program, 2022-2023


Presidential Search Committee, February-June 2021 Co-Chair of Liberal Arts Council Equity and Justice Committee (with Erika Williams), Spring 2021 Latin American and Latinx Studies Minor, Co-advisor, 2020-2021 Writing, Literature, & Publishing Dept. Scholarly Research Series Director, 2020-2021, 2019-2020 Emerson College Library and Technology Committee, 2020-2021, 2019-2020 ECCAAUP Governing Council Representative, 2020-2021 Writing, Literature, & Publishing Dept. Graduate Curriculum Committee, 2019-2020 Literary Foundations & Comedic Arts Search Committee, 2017-2018 Writing, Literature, & Publishing Dept. Diversity Committee, 2017-2018 Emerson College Council for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence, 2017-2018 American Literature & Native American Studies Search Committee, 2016-2017 Writing, Literature, & Publishing Department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2016-2017 Emerson College Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2016-2017 U.S. and Global Diversity Perspectives Sub-Committee to Liberal Arts Council, Spring 2016 Latin American and Latinx Studies Minor Creation Committee, 2015-2016


Organizer, Ivelisse Rodríguez fiction reading and conversation, April 2022 Co-organizer, "Faces, Masks, Bodies: Contemporary Cuban Writing, Art, and Performance" Speaker Series including talks by Gertrudis Rivalta, Yali Romagoza, Guillermina De Ferrari, Carlos Manuel Alvarez, Jamila Medina Ríos, Paola Martínez Fiterre, Gigi de la Torre, Mailyn Machado, Osdany Morales, & Eilyn Lombard, Fall 2022


Q&A Leader and co-organizer, post film screening discussion with director Petra Costa, April 2020 Q&A Leader, for Reading and Conversation with author Ivelisse Rodríguez, Oct. 2019 Translation Mentor, Raíz, bi-lingual Latinx student magazine, Spring 2018 Organizer, “She Must Be Seeing Things: Visuality as Knowledge in Lesbian-Themed Cinema,” Guest Lecture by Prof Frances Negrón-Muntaner (Columbia University), Oct. 2017 Presenter, “My Journey,” for Flawless Brown women of color artist collective meeting, Oct. 2017 Q&A Leader/Translator, for Reading Series Guest, Legna Rodríguez Iglesias, September 2017 Panel Member/Program Writer, “Hidden Gems: A Program of Award-Winning Films by Camille Billops,” March 2017 Panel Member, “Intersectionality” Panel at Teach in on Race, October 2016. Moderator/Q&A Leader for Reading Series Guest, Jennine Capo Cruçet, October 2016 Organizer/Translator, “Poetry Reading by Víctor Fowler Calzada,” February 2016


Co-organizer, “Funding Your Passion” Event for Brown University sophomores, November 2013 Co-organizer, Brown University International Affairs Colloquium, “Transnational Intellectual Exchanges,” with guest lectures and workshops by: Prof Idelber Avelar (Duke University); Prof Jennifer Wilks (University of Texas at Austin); Prof Lital Levy (Princeton University), 2012- 2013 Organizer, reading by poet Lorenzo García Vega, April 2011 Organizer, lecture by Prof Frances Negrón-Muntaner (Columbia University), March 2010


Executive Committee Member, Faculty of Color Working Group of the New England Humanities Consortium, 2022-2023 Executive Committee Representative, Cuban and Cuban Diasporic MLA Forum, 2021-2026 Reviewer of academic articles: Hispanic Review, Journal of Caribbean Literatures, Small Axe, sx archipelagoes, Latin American Research Review, Díalogos: Revista de filosofía. Reviewer of books: University of Texas Press. Reviewer of book chapters: Cambridge University Press.


Co-Curator, #Lorgiafest academic twitter book club and Ethnic Studies Rise Blog: (Dec. 2019-Jan. 2020) Contributor, #NoMoreDebt Caribbean Syllabus: Mentor, Harvard University Mellon Mays Undergraduate Program (2018-2020) Juror, City of Boston Artist Fellowship, 2019-2020 Volunteer Lecturer, Philosophy of Literature Course, Editorial Letras Cubanas, Havana, Cuba, Fall 2011


Education consultant, UNICEF-Colombia / Colombian Ministry of Education, Bogotá, Colombia, 2006 Instructor of self-designed summer program for high school students, “Children’s Rights Summer Institute,” Third Millennium Foundation, New York, NY, 2005


American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD) Caribbean Philosophical Association (CPA) Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Modern Language Association (MLA)

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